Saturday, February 28, 2009

Fried couscous

This is another dish inspired by 101 Cookbooks. This time it's a fried couscous bowl, which is a variation of Heidi's Wild Fried Rice.

Jill was over today and she wanted couscous. I had made some stuffed bell peppers the other day with couscous and cannellini beans, which were really good together. We still had a can in the pantry, so we decided to toss those in, along with some garlic, white onion, tomato, spinach, parmesan cheese, fried egg, and lots of red pepper flakes and/or tabasco. I am starting to love spicy food, which is really weird for me.

This is a good dish to get in all your nutrients; it's full of whole grains, protein, and veggies. Use a 1/2 TB of olive oil to fry your egg, then remove it from the pan and add another 1/2 TB to fry your couscous. It's also pretty versatile...just add in whatever you've got laying around: beans, carrots, peas, bell peppers, pretty much anything. Just remember not to add in any beans or tomatoes until the end, or they'll get mushed up.


BottledBeauty said...

This was so simple and good! I'm going to have to start eating this for lunch a couple times a week. You know how much I love fried rice!

Jennifer said...

Fried??!! I have never heard or thought of doing such a think with couscous. I love (and envy)creative people! Please consider entering the eating your wrods challenge at my blog:

jordan said...

Oh thanks, I'd love to do the contest if I can find some time!! :)

Anonymous said...

This is quite the concept! Fried couscous...I LOVE IT!

Anonymous said...

What a great idea - just like fried rice! I recently started stocking Israeli couscous in my pantry, it's so versatile and cooks pretty quickly. I'll have to try it this way next time.